Book of Flowers - Constance Miller - 10 Book Pages


10 randomly selected pages 

I have rescued these book pages from an unloved copy of Constance Miller's Book of Flowers. 

Constance Miller's Book of Flowers was first published by Webb & Bower the original publisher of Edith Holden's Country Diary. This book is very much in the same style; a faithful facsimile of an everlasting Birthday book featuring watercolours of the wildflowers of Western Australia, created between 1910 and 1912.

Approx Page Size -
190mm x 246mm

If you are looking for a specific page or would like a custom order creating please let me know.

Contents will vary

Please note these are vintage pre-loved, pre-used items.

Brand The Fruit Pixie
Product Code FP FGB
Weight 0.1kg

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